Friday, March 27, 2009

Life in the gym

For some reason this week has seemed very long to me and I realized that in addition to my normal work hours, I've been logging some significant time at the gym and at physical therapy. After that first appointment my physical therapist said I can only walk, do the elliptical machine, bike, or swim, so that means I head to the gym. I'm realizing that running outside is much more efficient. I don't have to travel anywhere or sign up for or wait for a machine and I can get a really good workout in, in under an hour. I feel like a lot of time gets wasted at the gym. At mine, I have to sign up for a machine for a maximum of 30 minutes, before I must switch or sign up for another machine. There is usually 5 minutes or so of downtime in between, and then if I add on 10-15 minutes of travel time both ways and packing up my stuff before and after, it probably tacks on an extra hour.

I also think physical therapy is tiring me out. I've been doing a lot of new exercises, some involving balance and strengthening of all those little stabilizer muscles in the lower leg. Since these exercises are brand new, they work my body and my brain. It's an odd sensation to have to focus intently to do something like picking up marbles one at a time and putting them in a cup...with your toes! Definitely neuro-muscular training, which will help me engage the right muscles.

Though this week was long, I do have some uplifitng news- at PT this morning and I was finally given the go-ahead to run. I've been running for a few minutes a few times this week on the treadmill, with a lot of walking mixed in, but it will be nice to try to really run. The marathon is just slightly over 3 weeks away, so I am getting a little anxious. I am focused on rehabbing this injury correctly so I don't re-aggravate it, but I do need to get back to running regularly.

Check back for an update next week!

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