Monday, February 23, 2009

Training Update and Uno's!

Hi everyone- I’m back to report on another week or so of running. My training this past week began a bit slowly as I came down with a bad cold/ flu (whatever is going around now!) last Sunday and had to take 3 days off in a row. I really hate taking days off from running, especially unplanned ones, but perhaps I needed a little break anyway. I’ve been running a consistent 6 days a week and sometimes I find I need extra time off now and then when building up the miles. I felt better for the latter half of the week and was able to fit it a great 15-mile run on Saturday. It was a sunny and warm day, a bit windy on the river, but not too bad. I have to say that spending 2+ hours out there by yourself running can be very peaceful, but also tough at times. When I run outside, I never take an iPod because I am content thinking or observing my surroundings and I find music a little distracting. After a while, on the long runs, not having any distraction can be a big challenge. I think 15-16 miles is the maximum distance I can do alone. Running with friends or a group, even for part of the distance, makes a huge difference. Others’ energy is contagious and so helpful when you find yourself in a rut.

The last time I trained for a marathon, I found that incorporating longer races as some of my long runs worked really well and was a lot of fun. I just found out about this 20 mile race that crosses three state borders (Maine, NH, and then MA). I’m definitely going to register for it! The timing is great—placed about 3 full weeks before the marathon, it will be a great last long run before I start to cut back on the running during the ‘taper’ period.

Also, I hope you will all join us at Uno’s Pizzeria this Friday, February 27th. Come to Uno’s for lunch, dinner, or drinks and present a special voucher to your waitperson. Uno’s will then donate 15-20% of total sales to our Boston Marathon fundraiser. Please email me directly at and I will send you the voucher.

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