Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Counting down the days!

Since my last update a lot has happened, mostly for the good! After still having some pain in my lower calf muscles and tendons, I followed my physical therapist's advice and took a long hiatus from running (well 2 full weeks, but it feels like a long break) . The goal was to shut down the muscles and allow them to recover. In the meantime, I filled my training weeks with all sorts of cross-training including a grueling 2.5 hour pool run in the diving well of the Brookline pool. On that Saturday afternoon I watched countless children perfect their dives, cannonballs, and freestyle. Somehow the time passed quickly and I decided pool running was bearable and beneficial. I might make it a part of my regular running even when I am not recovering from injury.

On Monday I got the "ok" to run up to 6 miles! Yesterday I ran a full 6 without any pain at all for the first time in over a month. It was an amazing feeling and it gave me a lot of confidence for next Monday. I know 6 isn't anywhere near 26.2 but I'm optimistic that my pre-injury long runs, pool workouts, adrenaline, and awesome crowd support will get me to the finish!

Speaking of the finish, when I was leaving PT this morning, I noticed that they were setting up the stands around the finish line and I got really excited. Even after all these months of training, as the marathon draws near, I'm finding it hard to wait 5 days!

If you're watching the marathon, look for me in this shirt! I might be wearing a pink hat if it's very sunny or rainy. You can sign up to receive text message alerts as I pass through various checkpoints. Just visit this site My number is 13,791.

Email me at with your spectating location and I will be sure to look for you!